
  • Education
    From presentations and lectures for public schools and community organizations, to hands-on, focused study groups and workshops, Jidai Arts has the ability to bring the history of the samurai to life in a way that no book ever could.
  • Conservation + Restoration
    With a team of specialists in the samurai arts, Jidai Arts has consulted for and trained the staff of museums and other institutions in the care and maintenance of samurai swords, fittings and armor.  With access to the most skilled craftsmen both in Japan and here in the States, Jidai Arts is also able to provide quality restoration services for these works of art.
  • Curatorial Services
    Jidai Arts is able to design exhibitions of any scale and duration, providing both top-quality historical artifacts and educational didactics.  Our team has already curated a number of exhibits ranging from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Japanese American National Museum, to venues in community centers and private country clubs.